
Reflections From The Diaspora December 2011

Another Christmas has arrived and I’m compelled to reflect on how the past decade of political and economic meltdown has impacted on Zimbabweans. As I look to the future its had to predict what the future holds for us .The continued political uncertainty in the country coupled with the clouded socio~political environment in South Africa has created increasing insecurities amongst Zimbabwean immigrants. Although I may risk sounding overly pessimistic,but the facts at hand do validate this argument.

However, most Zimbabweans will take time out from their misery and will be in a nostalgic festive mood during this christmas period. As I write this thousands of my country men and women are embarking on their traditional journey from SA to Zimbabwe to celebrate Christmas. This phenomenon is an iconic display of Zimbabweans ability to look past present difficulties and have another merry Christmas. All this happens despite decade long economic and social reversals which have left our country in the depths of mediocrity in all economic indicators. Our once proud nation is now a subject of international ridicule and alienated from the world economy.

Thus, do we have any real cause to celebrate as a country and people?What has become of our sense of pride and nationhood? We have become a people who are so indifferent to the plight of each other such that we can afford to indulge in self interests over national concerns.

The economic crisis has been disastrous to the majority but it has created opportunities to some who will stop at nothing to ensure that the prevailing situation is prolonged.

Therefore it has become very apparent that the problems of Zimbabwe are much more than just the politicians but also ordinary people are complicity to the tragedy which befell our country. As a people we have failed to look past self interests. We are unable to foster solidarity and commitment to restore our national dignity and international respectability .There is need for a fundamental shift in our national psyche and mindset so that we can be able to unite and reclaim our place in the world of nations.

This is my on reflection on 2011.

Article submission by: Chamunorwa Nhau

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One Response to Reflections From The Diaspora December 2011

  1. ali blackmore December 24, 2011 at 8:18 pm #

    Nicely said. Stand up peeps. Stand up.

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